The sexual and reproductive rights of the non-normative genders. A political struggle for a life worth living


  • Juan José Álvarez Rubio Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Diego Portales


The article aims to point out that the notion of sexual and reproductive rights was set up exclusively for the body of bio-women, excluding gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender and intersex people of their dogmatic formulation. From the critical analysis of Beatriz Preciado, this paper seeks to show how subversive reappropriation sexual technology provides each individual the autonomy to manage the transformation of his own body according to gender identity freely want to redo. In this context, recognition of sexual and reproductive rights satisfies the desire for recognition of those precarious subjectivities that have been excluded from the scope of protection law. To resist state violence deprives non-normative gender of their human rights, it requires a political struggle based on equality that enables certain of lives that are worth living and worthy of being mourned.


Queer Theory, Rights, Recognition, Politics.