

Special issue sex/dissident: 25 years since the decriminalization of sodomy in Chile, and 51 years since the first homosexual protest.

NOMADÍAS CUIR/QUEER/KUIR. A political/sexual dissident speech to think about the south-south.

For more information, see the following link.

‘Our body is the only one that remains us to protest’: a mapuche claim to Butler and Foucault’s resistance


  • Cristobal Montalva Universidad de Chile


The context of this paper is the alleged extension to the whole world of a power that Foucault designates as reticular. Power in which we would come to be produced, in the very act of being governed. A power which, by its ability of secluding us towards our bodies, we would prevent us any chance of being a difference sprouted from ourselves. In such a context, drawing a politics of resistance is highly aporetic. The aim of this article is to think how we build a resistance that is safe from being always reducible to anything, a resistance that can persist as diference. Butler with her performative resignification and Foucault with his arts of being, outline a productive resist in which at least it has one sense, although totally contingent, that we can tell “ourselves”. But such a statemen contingent, would not be able to prevent us of being reduced to bodies nor ours. My place of enunciation, against impotence of these resistances, launches its claim. They are the voices of my sisters and brothers mapuche resisting that power, that show us that we still have another possible resistance: a consistently resisting as a difference from a body ours.


power, resistance, performativity, arts of being, mapuche cause.