Juana de Ibarbourou and Ana Roqué: The thematization of childhood and adolescence as strategy of subversion


  • Anahí Troncoso Universidad de Chile


This article presents an analysis of the books El cántaro fresco (1920) by Juana de Ibarbourou and Luz y sombra (1903) by Ana Roqué, considering the cultural field (Bourdieu 1994; 2002) in which these works and authors are registered. Given women's writing exclusion of the public space, especially during the first half of the twentieth century in Latin America and the Caribbean, the proposal of this paper is to revise the strategies that both authors use to construct their discourses that incorporate counter-hegemonic expressions. In this way, it is established that the thematization of childhood and adolescence is a strategy to incorporate subversive discourses, using the codes that legitimize the participation in the literary field and, at the same time, enabling its transformation without destroying them completely.


women's Writing, cultural field, Latin American and Caribbean literature, childhood and adolescence