América Latina y el desafío internacional para la educación


  • Felipe Herrera


This document refers to the report of the International Commission on the Development of Education, formed by UNESCO. The report contains three main parts. The first is entitled "The Facts", where the problem is posed and makes an in-depth study of the current reality of education in the world. The second part, "The future", raises the question about the new responsibilities of education in the world. The third, "Towards an educational city" makes recommendations. This is the most pragmatic part, and it covers specific points, applicable on a national scale, and general recommendations for the international scenario.


Faure Commission, Unesco, Development, Education, Latin America

Author Biography

Felipe Herrera

Ex presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y profesor de la Universidad de Chile. Autor de numerosos libros y artículos. Su última publicación se titula: América Latina: experiencias y desafíos, Buenos Aires.