The Modernity seen through the young Hegel and the Nietzsche of The Birth of the Tragedy


  • Jorge Díaz Gallardo Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


The Hegel-Nietzsche relationship is almost always problematic and contradictory when it starts from the most orthodox traits of both authors, when it starts from the most metaphysical Hegel and the most irrational Nietzsche. These assessments are nothing more than common places, however. Both Hegel and Nietzsche are two great critics of Modernity, who start from apparently opposite positions, although they agree in a negative diagnosis of this era, at least in their youth period. Both thinkers conjure Antiquity as an antithesis of Modernity, as a world of greater freedom and vitality in the face of the values of the modern bourgeois world. Their criticism confronts two opposing readings of Antiquity in so far as the ancient world is not presented as the correlate of the modern and enlightened world, but as its opposite, so that both make an untimely reading of the past to criticize their present.


Modernity, Greece, Untimely, Vitality, Relationship

Author Biography

Jorge Díaz Gallardo, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Doctorando en Filosofía Contemporánea en la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México.  Ha realizado una estancia de investigación en la Universidad del País Vasco como parte de su tesis de Maestría. Sus líneas de investigación son la filosofía de Friedrich Nietzsche, la ética, la filosofía política, la filosofía de la mente, la hermenéutica y la estética.  Entre sus publicaciones se encuentran: Díaz Gallardo, Jorge. "Pensar de cara al sufrimiento: la experiencia trágica en Schopenhauer y Nietzsche". En: Gibu Shimabukuro, Ricardo; Chávez Báez, Román Alejandro; Uribe Pérez, Marcela [coords.]. El tiempo narrado y la vulnerabilidad humana. Una mirada filosófica al fluir de la vida (103-116). México: Ediciones del Lirio, 2019; Díaz Gallardo, Jorge. “La filosofía como medicina: Nietzsche y Byung Chul-Han frente al nihilismo y la sociedad del rendimiento”. Protrepsis, 8/15 (2018): 167-179.