
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

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Temporal spectral analysis by ecological systems of the upper basin of the Langueyú stream, Tandil, Argentine Pampean Region



The transformation of natural ecosystems to agricultural lands generates important environmental consequences, being the Argentine Pampean Region a clear example of this. This research analyzed the transformations in uses and land covers observed in the ecological systems of the Upper Basin of the Langueyú Stream (Tandil) between the years 1989-2004 and 2004-2019. The analysis of changes between grassland and pastures class in opposition to agriculture class was deepened. For this, satellite images were selected and processed, generating supervised
classifications, and changes were detected through remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems. The most important transformation in the different systems were linked to the continuous increase in agricultural use on lands that were previously grasslands and pastures, which are now being diminished. Finally, the applied methodology allowed us to know the most relevant variations, obtaining crucial information to establish strategies for the sustainable planning of the basin.


change maps, classified satellite images, landscape units, land use/cover


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