The last will and testament of Andrés Bello


  • Claudia Castelleti Font Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


The unknown –until now– partitional files of Andrés Bello constitute a discovery that opens new possibilities regarding the study of the legal affairs caused by his death, of his familial relationships, of the persistence of his social relationships even after his death, and of his decision not to write a will. It also gives details regarding his private life: his fortune, his domestic life, and even his most cherished memories. We will describe and analyze two dossiers, the first of which –related to the events that occurred immediately after his death– is kept in the Library of the Supreme Court of Justice in Santiago, and the second –written a couple decades later, due to the publication of La Filosofía del entendimiento y Poema del Cid–, in the National Historical Archive of Chile.


Andrés Bello, Partition of assets, Intestate Succesion, Legitimate offspring, Familial relationships