The present paper studies the installation of the first university chair of Administrative Law in Chile (1888), in charge of Professor Valentín Letelier, and the orientation that he gave to it: in favor of an intervening State of a marked social character. Likewise, it analyzes how it was put into practice in the Government of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo (1927-1931), and the role that Pablo Ramírez Rodríguez, his Minister of Finance (1927-1929) played in this regard.
Administrative law, Intervening State, Valentín Letelier Madariaga, Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, Pablo Ramírez Rodríguez
Román Cordero, C. (2022). Valentín Letelier and administrative law. Revista Chilena De Historia Del Derecho, 2(26), Pág. 781–796. Retrieved from