The North American Discovery: A historical perspective towards the present



This booklet offers a historical perspective of Discovery in the pretrial phase of the North American civil process, due to the lack of a central and autonomous preliminary phase within the Chilean civil process, taking into account the positive externalities that this institute claims could solve. Several of the inconveniences that our current civil justice faces. The object is to verify whether the purposes of discovery remain the same as when its implementation was considered, as well as the legislative attempts to stop its use as an abusive practice. For these purposes, the exegetical method has been used, based mainly on the analysis of Rule 26 of the Federal Rules Civil Procedure and the relevant dogmatics. The result has been the verification that at present the discovery pursues different purposes than those that motivated its regulatory introduction and that the incessant efforts to limit fishing expeditions have produced positive changes in the conception and processing of this procedural tool, becoming an attractive institute for the Chilean civil process


discovery, civil process, preliminary phase, evidence, abusive practice


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