This article analyzes La brecha (1961) by Mercedes Valdivieso within the framework of a tradition of representations of the female subject and her world, present in narratives by Latin American women authors of the first half of the twentieth century. It is possible to identify in this novel a series of images that were configured by different female authors in their fictions and that contributed to think about and make visible the conditions of subjection of women in modern society. Likewise, the novel is situated in this genealogy, contributing with new ideological approaches, thus renewing the arc of feminine representations in women’s literature. The analysis will focus primarily on two axes: the image of the other as the embodiment of a dissident gender identity and the relationship of the female self to public and private spaces.
women’s narratives, Latin American women writers, representations of the female subject, dispossession policies
Cisterna, N. (2021). Mercedes Valdivieso’s La brecha, between continuities and ruptures. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (104), pp. 307–325. Retrieved from
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