The poet as director: Diego Maquieira and the Annapurna


  • Gustavo Quintero Vera University of Pittsburgh


This article analyses the poetry book El Annapurna (2013), by the Chilean poet Diego Maquieira. By way of the technique of montage (in both its “cinematic” and “photomontage” connotations), Maquieira intervenes his text and has it work in a manner close to a visual logic. From that point forward, the deconstructive-constructive action of montage unleashes a profound sense of textual disarticulation. This will result in a constant interruption or suspension reflected in the time of the image, in the broken voices and the general annulation of meaning in the text. Thus, the image does not look to substitute a failed text, but to create the conditions of possibility to give way to the emergence of another meaning.


Diego Maquieira, visual poetry, text and image, montage, pensive image