The Malvinas War, children of war, excombatants, Galtieri and we are waiting for you, the historical epic or infamous war. Flashes of something that was formed in the mid-nineteenth century, exploded in 1982 and continues to operate. What do we see today, when we look at images of war? What did Argentines see in those covers of April 2' 82, or when looked images broadcasted from the Islands? What is to see? The following lines collected some approaches to the visibility of the Malvinas War in two newspapers from Corrientes, Argentina -Época and El Litoral-; looking for the visual field from two aspects: first, the ability to "show" society and the state in context of repression and censorship, and second, discursive conditions that allow certain objects to become visible in a society and from individual discursive practices.
régimen escópico – Malvinas – medios de comunicación
Author Biography
Luis Daniel Chao, FAHU-UNNE
Licenciado en Comunicación Social - Teorías de la Comunicación Social III - JTP
Chao, L. D. (2014). Scopic Regime and the Malvinas War: the Issue on Media Visibility. Comunicación Y Medios, (29), Pág. 19 – 36.