From La Ville qui tue les femmes to The city of the dead: the web documentary as a tool for investigating the catastrophe in Ciudad Juarez


  • Julie Amiot-Guillouet Universidad Sorbona


This article analyses how a new audio-visual format, the webdocumentary, deals with a problem related to drug trafficking in Mexico (disappearances and murders of women in Ciudad Juarez), in order to map the city and its criminality much alike a puzzle that can be freely interlocked. The idea is to provide meaning to a series of events considered from the perspective of catastrophe: tremendous, and lacking of significance. Based on traditional sources, the webdocumentary deals with unpublished material provided by a journalistic fieldwork that also gave birth to a book and a documentary. It is a triple investigation and revelation of a hidden reality whose violence spreads in the whole society. The troubling atmosphere of the webdocumentary appears to be an appropriate tool to report on this phenomenon.


Webdocumental, Ciudad Juárez, Catastrophe, Memory

Author Biography

Julie Amiot-Guillouet, Universidad Sorbona

Maître de conférences à l'université Paris-Sorbonne (UFR d’études ibériques et latino-américaines) Doctorat en études romanes (université Lumière Lyon 2)
Sujet : Le Mélodrame cinématographique mexicain dans ses rapports avec Cuba (1938-1958) : enjeux esthétiques et critiques, directeur de recherches : Monsieur le Professeur Jean-Claude Seguin. Thèse soutenue le 6 décembre 2003.