Artists observing at the machines that monitor us



This article provides an overview of both theoretical and artistic previous works developed by different disciplines questioning the role of surveillance devices in the digital age. Its aim is to analyze how, since the 1970s, various artists have used the closed circuit device, and more recently, webcams, with the purpose of creating visual narratives pointing out that the massive use of vision technologies has led to naturalizing surveillance and its camouflage in our daily lives. Methodologically, we have identified and assembled works that operate, on the one hand, aiming to dismantle coercive control tactics; on the other, works that criticize the apparent neutrality with which panoptic systems have become omnipresent in society.


art, surveillance, vision machines, control systems, automated representations

Author Biographies

Valentina Montero, Universidad Finis Terrae

Doctora por la Universidad de Barcelona. Investigadora y docente Facultad de Artes, Universidad Finis Terrae. Profesora en el Magíster en Artes Mediales de la Universidad de Chile, directora del Magíster en Investigación-Creación de la Universidad Finis Terrae, directora de PAM / Plataforma Arte y Medios.

Paloma Villalobos, Universidad de Chile

Artista visual, Doctora en Bellas Artes por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y actual Investigadora Postdoctoral FONDECYT/Anid en el Departamento de Teoría de las Artes de la Universidad de Chile.


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