"Spain is different": cultural resignifying of national identity in Drag Race España



This article explores the cultural reinterpretation of Spanish national identity through drag by conducting  a textual analysis of the third season of the “Drag Race España” TV show (broadcast since 2021 on Atresplayer Premium). Intertextual references from different fields are considered, from gastronomic (ham) to historical figures (Juan Carlos I). In this way, the show subverts the traditional symbols that make up Spain's national identity and gives new cultural interpretations to trivial nationalism’s key features. In addition, the analysis delves into other cultural elements of Spain, such as television shows, LGTBIQ+ celebrities, and artists who are part of pop culture. The reality show subverts the elements related to a stereotypical image of Spain (bull), giving them a new meaning and creating a new chain of meaning.


National identity, cultural reinterpretation drag, performance, textual analysis, reality show, Drag Race España

Author Biography

Juan Ignacio Fernández-Herruzo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid

PhD Candidate in the Media Research program at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). He is a lecturer in the Department of Communication at the same institution under a contract funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (ref. FPU2022/02504). He is a member of the Audiovisual Diversity research group and participates in the project “Diversity and Subscription-Based On-Demand Audiovisual Services,” funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (2020-25).


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