VIH/SIDA: definition, meaning and experiences


  • Deborah Farago Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Jeraldo Triantafilo Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Matías Martí Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Nicolás Perry Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Paz Quiñones Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Cristina Di Silvestre Universidad del Desarrollo


Introduction: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and its final stage, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), have been present in Chile since 1984. Although the overall incidence has decreased in the past decade, there has been an alarming increase of new infections in a few age groups. The situation of VIH/AIDS in Chile, in terms of the experiences of the affected individuals, has not been well documented, in contrast to other countries in Latin America. Objectives: To describe how users of the NGO “Redes de Orientación en Salud Social” (RED OSS) [Networks for Social Health Orientation] define, live, and signify their experiences as HIV/AIDS patients. Materials and methods: A qualitative investigation, based on case studies. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with 6 individuals with HIV/AIDS. Content and phenomenological analysis of the interviews was conducted to describe the participants’ experiences . The validity of the data was ensured the supervision of the research process and triangulation of the analysis between various analysts. Results: The study participants utilized definitions based on biomedical language, transmitted by health care professionals and health campaigns. Though diverse, all of the lived experiences emphasized stigmatization, the role of the disease in their lives, and the importance of support systems. The disease signifies an emotional and a practical burden, in terms of the responsibilities that are acquired once diagnosed.


VIH/sida, estudio cualitativo, significados y experiencias, HIV/AIDS, qualitative study, meanings and experiences

Author Biographies

Deborah Farago, Universidad del Desarrollo

 Estudiante de Medicina

Jeraldo Triantafilo, Universidad del Desarrollo

Estudiante de Medicina

Matías Martí, Universidad del Desarrollo

Estudiante de Medicina

Nicolás Perry, Universidad del Desarrollo

Estudiante de medicina

Paz Quiñones, Universidad del Desarrollo

Estudiante de Medicina

Cristina Di Silvestre, Universidad del Desarrollo

Socióloga, Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo.