Characterization of the profile of polyconsultant users in the emergency Hospital san Camilo, belonging to a Family Health Center, San Felipe


  • Karla Gómez Universidad de Valparaíso. Campus San Felipe. CESFAM San Felipe El Real
  • Felipe Vargas A. Universidad de Valparaíso. CESFAM Llay Llay
  • Fabiola Fuenzalida Universidad de Valparaíso, CESFAM Llay Llay
  • María José Cardenas Universidad de Valparaíso. Escuela de Medicina. Campus San Felipe
  • Mario Parada L. Universidad de Valparaíso. Escuela de Medicina. Campus San Felipe


Introduction. The Chilean health system is based on the primary care model. In this context, the demand generated by the attention of polyconsultant users constitutes a universal problem. Is necessary to identify this population to implement measures. The objective of this study is to characterize the profile of polyconsultant users in the emergency department of San Camilo Hospital, belonging to the CESFAM San Felipe El Real, between June 2018-May 2019.
Materials and Methods. Observational, retrospective and descriptive study. From an anonymized database that collects information from users treated in the health service, patients belonging to the Center were selected if they had 7 or more annual consultations in the emergency care of the San Camilo Hospital. Variables such as sex, age, prevention and pathologies were analyzed.
Results. Of 128 patients belonging to CESFAM cataloged as polyconsultant, two thirds of the total are female, with a clear predominance of the first two sections of FONASA. In both sexes the population is mostly pediatric, and this is followed by the middle-aged female population.
Discussion. With these results, the polyconsultant users of the center studied are characterized, which allows to focus plans on these people and improve the resolution in these areas.


profile, consultants , emergency