Factors associated with discrimination in men who have sex with men, Bogotá, Medellín, Cali - Colombia, 2019


  • Sebastián Bedoya Universidad CES. Facultad de Enfermería
  • Doris Cardona Universidad CES. Facultad de Enfermería.
  • Universidad CES. Facultad de Enfermería
  • Ángela M. Segura-Cardona Universidad CES. Escuela de Graduados.
  • Dedsy Y. Berbesi-Fernández Universidad CES. Facultad de Enfermería.


Introduction: Describe the factors associated with discrimination against men who have sex with men, in the cities of Bogotá, Medellín and Cali, Colombia 2019. Materials and Methods: cross-sectional study, using survey-led sampling, involving 1301 men who have sex with men. The aggregated data were weighted and adjusted prevalence ratios were calculated to measure the association between the selected factors and discrimination. Results: the proportion of discrimination was 18.6% (95% CI: 16.5-20.7). It was independently associated with being over 30 years old, homosexual sexual orienta¬tion, ignorance on the part of the family of their sexual practices, not having a stable partner and consuming marijuana. Discussion: families and the partner themselves are the main generators of discrimi¬nation. Spaces for education and awareness are recommended on the issue of sexual orientation and gender identity within the framework of the differential approach for families, health professionals, among others.


Sexism, sexual and gender minorities, social discrimination, gender identity, homosexuality