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The call is open untill October 15, 2023.

The manifest error in article 126 of the Tax Code


  • Abel Hidalgo Vega Abogado, Chile


Tax Law condemns unjustified enrichment, even in relation to the fiscal treasury. Therefore, even when a tax administrative act was not legally claimed, the taxpayer can demand a tax return, readjustments, interest, and the return of fines payed in excess. In effect, the first part of the subsection 2, number 2, from the article 126 of the Tax Code, states that if the claim over the tax issue were attested, the taxpayer could eventually receive the return of their taxes that the sentence determined,
producing for them the effect of «res judicata». Furthermore, the second part of the subsection 2, number 2, from the article 126 of the Tax Code indicates in an absence of a claim in these matters, the return funded in a manifest error would still proceed.


Enriquecimiento sin causa, enriquecimiento ilícito, pago de lo no debido, error manifiesto, acto administrativo tributario, liquidaciones, giros, artículo 126 del Código Tributario.


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