Despite of the interest of Bolivian Spanish for Latin Americandialectology, this variety is still one of the most unknown in thecontinent, specially from a diachronic point of view. This paperaims to be a contribution to the history of the Spanish language inthe Andean part of the country. Thus, it describes the most importantphonological features of this variety of Spanish at the beginning of19th. century; the letters that María Guadalupe Cuenca de Moreno(high-level woman, born in Chuquisaca in 1790) writes to her husbandfrom Buenos Aires in 1811 are the corpus used for this purpose.
Latin American Spanish, history of the Spanish language, Bolivia, phonological features, 19th Century
Author Biography
José Luis Ramírez Luengo, Universidad de Alcalá
José Luis Ramírez Luengo (, Departamento de Filología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Alcalá, San Joséde Caracciolos, C/ Trinidad, 3 - 5, 28.801, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España.
Ramírez Luengo, J. L. (2010). The western Bolivian Spanish at the time of Latin American independence processes: phonetic and phonological notes. Boletín De Filología, 45(1). Retrieved from