(Im)polite modalization: State of the art in the field of hispanic linguistics


  • Antonio Hidalgo Navarro Grupo Val.Es.Co. (Valencia, Español Coloquial), Departamento de Filología Española, Facultad de Filología, Traducción y Comunicación, Universidad de Valencia, España, Avenida Blasco Ibáñez 32, 3º Valencia-46010


The study of (im)politeness as a manifestation of the pragmatic communicative behavior in the various languages as well as in Spanish,has seen an interesting growth in the last decade, to the extent thatthere is already an abundant literature addressing their research in thelinguistic, pragmatic aspects, etc. All these studies have been approached from different points of view the analysis of (im)politeness,but among the analytical parameters have not considered prosodyas a relevant pragmatic factor in communication. With this work weaim at drawing the attention of the specialist on the need to take intoaccount this factor, which in many cases plays a crucial role in theinterpretation of the (im)polite tone of the linguistic message. Alsoreviewed, as a state of affairs, some of the most recent works that,takie the Spanish as a language of reference, have considered thesefacts either directly or indirectly.    


(im)politeness, impoliteness, prosody, conversation, intonation, spoken Spanish