The aiin of this study was twofold: On the one hand, to determine, qualitatively and quantitatively, the nature and extent of the lexical borrowing from Quechua, as this phenomenon is retlected in a representative sainple of newspapers and magazines published in Santiago de Chile in the period 1976-2006. On the other hand, to assess the relative vitality of words of Quechuan origin documented in the corpus (measured by their frequency of occurrence and their capaciíy to originate derivatives). To this end, some 75 thousand pages were systematically scanned to search for the words of Quechuan origin. As a result, 206 lexical items of that origin and their derivatives were attested in the corpus. The last section of the article consists of a lexicographic inventory ofthe attested Quechuan loanwords and their derivatives.
Quechuan loanwords in American Spanish, lexical borrowing, languages in contact.
Prieto, L. (2006). Quechuismos en el léxico de la prensa de Santiago de Chile. Boletín De Filología, 41, Pág. 97–196. Retrieved from