In this article we present some theoretical and methodological reflections for the analysis of geosocial representations and urban identity from a constructivist approach, understanding the urban space as a social product. Based on a selection of mental maps compiled in Buenos Aires in 2013, we will investigate the spatial image that the inhabitants of this city express through linguistic varieties they single out, stylize and situate in their mental cartography. This analysis shows, first, that the perception of the urban space of the porteños is based on strong identification with their neighbourhood,and second, that in the collective imaginary there is a distinctive dichotomy between north and south that is reflected in the social, the spatial as well as in the linguistic.
Spanish in Buenos Aires, perceptual dialectology, mental maps, socio-spatial representation
Würth, M. (2015). Cartographies of the city: Representation and linguistic stylization in mental maps of Buenos Aires. Boletín De Filología, 49(2), Pág. 311 – 349. Retrieved from