This research has been carried out within the framework of AMPER-Col (Multimedia Atlas of Prosody of the romanic Space in Colombia). The main objective is to analyze the intonation contours of declaratives and interrogatives of female and male voices of two Colombian speakers belonging to the urban zone of Medellin. Results show us that there are differences between these voices in the maximum peak location, initial-PMx1 slope and the initial-final slope. These features have phonetic and phonological implications. However, those data should be taken with caution given that this is one of the first prosody studies in Colombia.
prosody, intonation, fundamental frequency, phonetics and phonology of intonation
Muñetón Ayala, M., & Dorta Luis, J. (2016). Intonation of declarative and interrogative statements in Colombian Spanish of Medellin: female vs. male voices. Boletín De Filología, 50(2), Pág. 103–122. Retrieved from