absTracT: This research aims to describe temporal reference in Chilean Sign Language (LSCh) (Comrie, 1985; Bertinetto, 2013). In order to achieve this, videoswere analyzed in which one or more Deaf people were signing in LSCh. The results show that the Chilean Sign Language uses adverbs and adverbial clauses to mark the temporal reference, therefore, the codification used is discursive, not grammatical. In order to illustrate other kinds of temporal reference codification, we used examples from the Mexican Sign Language grammar (Cruz, 2008) for contrast.
lengua de señas, lengua de señas chilena, tiempo gramatical, referencia temporal
Aristegui, D., Garfias, D., & Moyano, C. (2019). Description of temporal reference in Chilean Sign Language. Lenguas Modernas, (52), pp. 57–71. Retrieved from https://pedagogiaderecho.uchile.cl/index.php/LM/article/view/52845