Una propuesta metodológica para usar la poesía en la sala de inglés como lengua extranjera


  • Soffía Antonella Carbone Bruna Universidad Mayor


The following essay aims to invite English as a foreign or second language teachers to include poetry in their classes as an alternative technique that might cause a positive impact in their students’ linguistic and personal development thanks to all the opportunities that using poetry provides over other Literary genres, which are explained throughout this text. This article provides a theoretical framework based on literature review in which concepts such as the nature of poetry, poetry as expressive pedagogy, methodological approaches and literature in the EFL classroom such as the cultural, language and personal growth approach are thoroughly explained. Besides, this article targets to provide teachers with easy to follow steps that they can pursue as to successfully bring poetry and literature into their classrooms; how to select literature together with some simple ideas and examples of successful practices are available for the reader as to feel inspired and start bringing poetry and literature into their teaching context.


EFL, Poesía, Literatura, Metodología