
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is an original and unpublished work written in Spanish or English language.
  • The author or the authors declare to be original and exclusive holders of the economics and morals author rights on the article, in accordance with the provisions of the Law 17.336 on Intellectual Property (Chile) and that, in case of having used another´s works in the creation of the article, either totally or partially, declare to count with the respective authorizations or licenses for use of the respective owners or that its use is expressly covered by the law.
  • The author or authors expressly released from any further liability to the Centre for Information Technology Law Studies (CEDI), University of Chile's Law School , any legal, regulatory or :contractual infringement who eventually commits or has committed in relation to the work, and he obliged himself to repair any damage that arises from the infringement of these or other rights.
  • That, by means of this act, the author authorizes to Centre for Information Technology Law Studies (CEDI), University of Chile's Law School , to, by itself or through third parties expressly authorized by it, exercise the rights stated below, regarding the sent article:   i) Publication, edition, reproduction, adaptation, distribution and sale of the reproduced copies, including the made available to the public in line for electronic or digital means, of the article, in spanish language, in any well-known territory, whether or not spanish-speaking, and for all kinds of printed edition in paper and electronics or digital, by means of its inclusion in the Chilean Journal of Law and Technology or another publication that edits the Center. ii) The present authorization is given in not exclusive, free, indefinite, perpetual and not revocable character, while the corresponding rights survive and, liberates to the Centre for Information Technology Law Studies (CEDI), University of Chile's Law School , of any payment or remuneration for the exercise of the of the aforementioned rights.
  • The author or the authors agree to be submitted to the editorial rules of RCHDT.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The Chilean Journal of Law and Technology is a biannual publication of the Centre for Information Technology Law Studies (CEDI), University of Chile's Law School, wich aims to spread over the national and international legal community the necessary elements to analyze and understand the scope and effects that technologic and cultural development have produced in society, specially their impact on legal science.

Journal's Editorial Board invites scholars, researchers and students, as well as the national and international legal community, to submit papers for their possible publication.

Themes and kinds of received manuscripts

The Chilean Journal of Law and Technology publishes original research works and unpublished writings in Spanish or English language, related with the interaction generated between law and technology. Those works can be of two types:

- Doctrine Section: Articles, monographs or original investigations, with a maximum length of 15.000 words, including footnotes, list of references and appendices.

- Reports Section: Law reports, jurisprudential and legislative analysis, with a maximum length of 8.000 words, including footnotes, list of references and appendices.

"Research works" are understood as those who develop the author's arguments in a relatively complete form, using current and relevant literature.

"Original articles" are understood as the texts that have not been published.

Therefore, texts originally published in other languages are admitted as original texts.

Submitted manuscripts should not include the author or authors information in the body of text. This information must appear on a separately page and should include the following data: 1) full name of the author; (2) academic degrees that possesses with indication of the university who gave it; (3) professional title; (4) institutional affiliation; (5) directions of post, email and telephone number; (6) mention or acknowledgments to persons or institutions, if you include them.

The texts must be submitted in .doc, .rtf, pdf or other compatible format. The general format of presentation of the document will be in letter size paper, font Times New Roman size 12 points, justified right and left, with single- spaced, 3 cm top and bottom margins and text of 2,5 on both sides.

The articles must include versions in English and Spanish of the title, of a summary of no more than 120 words and up to five keywords. In the case of subtitles, it is suggested that they do not exceed two levels.

The article must include a list ending with cited references.

Appointments and references

The appointment system and references of the Chilean Journal of Law and Technology is inspired by The Chicago Manual Style (available at ) and adapted to the standards of the Spanish language. Different examples are transcribed in the following: in each case, first appears the mode in which the entry must be drawn up in the list of references, and, secondly, the way in which remission must appear in the body of the text:

- Book of one author or editor.. In the list of references the author's name must be reversed, i.e., first or last name followed by the name and separated by a comma. The parentheses contains the year of publication.

Cremades, Javier (2007). Micropoder. La fuerza del ciudadano en la era digital. Madrid: Espasa. (Cremades, 2007: 128)

- Book of two or three authors or editors. In this case, only the first name is reversed in the listing of references; the rest must be maintained as it appears in the source.

Fabra Valls, Modesto y José Luis Blasco Díaz (2007). La administración electrónica en España: experiencias y perspectivas de futuro. Valencia: Universitat Jaume i. (Fabra Valls y Blasco Díaz, 2007)

- Book of four or more authors. All authors must be included in the listing of references entry. In the text, however, the appointment can mention only the surname of the first author listed followed by the expression «and others».

Barnes, Peter, Chris Dibona, Sam Ockman y Mark Stone (1999). Voices from the Open Source Revolution. Nueva York: O'Reilly Media. (Barnes y otros, 1999: 118-19)

- Chapter or part of a Book.

Gómez Puntes, Marcos (2007). «La administración electrónica». En Martín Rebolledo (compilador), La autorización administrativa, la administración electrónica y la enseñanza del derecho administrativo hoy. Pamplona: Aranzandi. (Gómez Puntes, 2007)

- Article in a print journal. In the text, place the number of the page consulted. In the list of references, place in the page range in which the article appears in the magazine.

Zúñiga, Francisco (2001). «Apostillas: Ley y reglamento en la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional (de la germanización al practicismo)». Revista Ius et Praxis, 7 (2): 209-257. (Zúñiga, 2001: 214)

- Article in an online journal.

Cerda, Alberto (2003). «Intimidad de los trabajadores y tratamiento de datos personales por los empleadores». Revista Chilena de Derecho Informático, 2: 35-59. Disponible en . (Cerda, 2003: 411)

Other recommendations of style

- The use of italics must be limited to the foreign language words and titles of works. Exceptionally, they can be used to give emphasis to a word or phrase.

- Short appointments must be included inside the text and «enclose it in quotes», indicating the source or reference in parentheses. Extensive quotations of four or more lines must be separated in paragraph apart.

- Charts, tables, and graphics inserted in the text must be numbered, with title and with mention of the source, if it were the case.

- As a general rule, must be careful not to use abbreviations or referential terms in latin as idem, ibid. and op. cit.

Graphic content, charts and diagrams in articles

Graphic content sent may contain images, pictures, figures or other things alike, which must be perfectly clear and be a part of the documents content. Authors may include up to a maximum of 20 graphic elements in total.

All graphic material must be inserted in the text document, at the approximate location where it is requested to go. Also, it is mandatory to attach it in a separate document from the text though the website RChDT:, and have a minimum resolution of 250 dpi/ppp in tiff o jpg format. Each graphic element must be numbered consecutively according to its type, identifying it through an explanatory description as the title of the image, and point the source in each case.

In the case of charts, graphs or diagrams, these must be made through the text processor with which the article is being written and be included in the body of the work. Because of this, these elements must not be sent independently nor in mage format

Charges for publication

The RChDT does not apply any fee for evaluate and publish the contributions it receives.


Authors who have published an article in the last 18 months prior to the date of submission of the article will not be able to publish in the RChDT.


It includes original articles as result of research works and monographs, whose length does not exceed 15.000 words.

Privacy Statement

The personal data requested in this website, including directions of post, email and telephone number details, will be used exclusively for the purposes of editing, publishing, distribution and dissemination of the RCHDT and not be communicated or transferred to third parties that are not part of University of Chile's Law School .