Is parody through Twitter punishable?


  • Fernando Muñoz Universidad Austral de Chile


Article 214 of the Penal Code punishes those who «usurp someone else’s name». This work argues that this crime does not affect who parodies a public person through an account on the social network known as Twitter. This conclusion is grounded on two arguments: the first, immanent to penal law, claims that parody does not harm the juridical good at stake; the second, belonging to the field of fundamental rights, contends that parody is a constitutionally protected exercise of free speech. All this presupposes a certain theoretical understanding of parody rooted on linguistic pragmatics, understanding that it is sketched here.


Twitter, social networks, parody, linguistic pragmatics, name usurpation, freedom of speech

Author Biography

Fernando Muñoz, Universidad Austral de Chile

Fernando Muñoz León es abogado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Master y Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Yale, y profesor auxiliar en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. Es asimismo investigador responsable del Proyecto Fondecyt de Iniciación Nº 11121191, titulado “El concepto de ‘grupos desaventajados’ como complemento a la dogmática constitucional chilena sobre igualdad”. 


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