
Convocatoria RChD: Creación y Pensamiento | Vol. 10 Nº 18 | JUN 2025 | Dossier: Lo multiescalar. Envío de artículos: 13 de agosto al 31 de diciembre de 2024.

Receso de fiestas patrias 2024: se informa a nuestros lectores que RChD: Creación y Pensamiento, estará en receso institucional de fiestas patrias desde el 14 hasta el 22 de septiembre de 2024. Retomaremos nuestras funciones desde el 23 de septiembre de 2024.

Silver Linings: Design Strategies and Projects for Packages Born in Times of Crisis and Analyzed with a Systemic Approach



The Covid-19 health emergency has changed buying habits and behaviour, eating habits, as well as the relationship with packaging. For many business models, the pandemic represents a turning point; for others, the crisis, reveals hidden vulnerabilities and a potential inadequacy for the contemporary world. However, the packaging sector has not stopped. It had to organize, coordinate, find new ways of distribution, and at the same time, it opened to new opportunities in terms of innovation. The packaging industry has shown a proactive and resolute attitude, and unconsciously has been able to deal with problems that go beyond the Design of a container. The analysis of strategies and practices adopted by the packaging sector in managing the emergency allowed us to define the research framework. This contribution investigates the changes not only at an economic level but also at a cognitive-behavioural and environmental level, towards which Design is called to act with increasing responsibility. A Design that will necessarily have to shift the vision from linear to systemic, starting from education.

Palabras clave:

Education, food and pharma packaging, pandemic, sustainability, systemic Design.