This paper presents the academic experience of an architecture workshop oriented towards urban design through the development of Urban Strategic Projects in ravines, where the issue is spatial planning, based on the valorization of local heritage (understanding and acting in relation to local culture and vocation of these territories) to achieve sustainable development for the hills in Valparaiso, Chile. The practical relevance is to reverse the process of marginalization associated with various environmental problems (micro-landfills, illegal occupation of land and fire hazard, among others), creating new urban centers and handling ravines with new uses.
Cultural heritage, new urban centralities, ravines, urban strategy, urban strategic projects
Author Biography
Paz Elena Carreño, Universidad de Valparaíso
Arquitecta dedicada a temas de territorio, paisaje y desarrollo de proyectos de espacio público de mediana y gran escala junto a Juana Zunino. Docente de Universidad de Valparaiso; desde 2014.
Muga, E., & Carreño, P. E. (2016). Valparaiso Strategic Urban Projects: An Academic Experience. Revista De Urbanismo, (35), 167–196.