Degraded landscapes and social imaginaries: Del Gato stream perceptions in La Plata city, Argentina



The city of La Plata is on a plain crossed by multiple streams that have historically been ignored and degraded by urbanization, without any environmental and landscape appreciation. Forging a landscape look over streams, towards the construction of sustainable urban alternatives, requires survey the perception of the inhabitants for whom the fluvial landscape is a daily landscape; task that has been performed for one of the most degraded and urbanized courses in the city. Methodologically, we have worked from a qualitative approach in the development of surveys and interviews adapted to various social and age groups, which has allowed us to reveal issues related to the fluvial landscape that is hardly recognized from secondary information, and that are inherent to the perception of the stream as a daily landscape. It is concluded that the perception of the inhabitants in the valuation process is a fundamental approach in the case of degraded landscapes that are avoided by the general public.


Landscape, perception, streams, imaginaries