In the midst of the conjuncture defined by the international policy guidelines on human settlements and land use planning, in December 2019 the State Plan for Urban Development of the State of Mexico was published. The State of Mexico, located in central Mexico, is the most populated entity with around 17 million inhabitants and one of the most economically dynamic. In the formal discourse, this Plan is assumed to be the result of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda; however, we start from the assumption that the current instrumentality and urban policy is effectively discursive and that, in fact, the Plan is characterized by its obsolescence, but especially due to its lack of legitimacy. Thus stated, our objective is to evaluate the Plan from a methodological and normative perspective with an emphasis on participation. We examine evidence in a documentary way, while from non-participant observation we document the consultation process of the Plan. An advanced participatory exercise was expected considering the urban complexity of the state of Mexico, and the situation of change but it was not, instead, we gathered evidence that shows the absence of consensus and resistance to change. Not only are the results of the consultation forums among the main findings, but also their repercussions on the overall process.
Gutiérrez-Chaparro, J. J., & Márquez-González, L. K. (2021). Urban Planning and Participation in the State of Mexico: Persistence of Traditional Vertical Decision Schemes. Revista De Urbanismo, (44), 21–38.