Mexican youths from working-class backgrounds facing COVID-19: Stigmas, urgencies and prevention practices


  • Minor Mora Salas El Colegio de México
  • Gustavo Urbina Cortés El Colegio de México


This article analyzes the behavior of young people from working-class backgrounds in the face of COVID-19 preventive measures in Mexico City (CDMX), particularly on to what extent the young population constitutes an atypical group regarding the most effective social and sanitary practices to both avoid COVID-19 contagion and break its chain of infection. From the analysis of propagation patterns and a survey conducted on highly marginalized urban communities, we show that, contrary to the popular belief, there is a small difference between the prevalent behavior of young people and adults.


COVID-19, prevention, young people

Author Biographies

Minor Mora Salas, El Colegio de México

Doctor en Ciencia Social con especialidad en Sociología. Profesor-investigador, Centro de Estudios Sociológicos, El Colegio de México. Correo electrónico:

Gustavo Urbina Cortés, El Colegio de México

Doctor en Ciencia Social con especialidad en Sociología. Profesor-investigador, Centro de Estudios Sociológicos, El Colegio de México. Correo electrónico: