The legalization of mining in Colombia has increased
the participation of transnational corporations in
the country, however extraction processes are
harmful not only to the environment but also to
the communities living in the richest municipalities
in minerals, for instance “La Jagua de Ibirico”,
hence it important to determine the responsibility
of business involvement in the commission of
the crime of extermination in such a community,
revealing the selective nature of criminal law and
international criminal law accordingly.
Crime against humanity, mining, criminal liability, natural resources
Author Biography
Yenifer Yiseth Suárez Díaz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Abogada. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Magíster en Derecho, Sociología y Política Criminal. Becaria Colciencias Doctorado en Derecho. Investigadora del Observatorio de Política Criminal de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Suárez Díaz, Y. Y. (2015). La Jagua de Ibirico: Criminal liability in face to the mining. Anuario De Derechos Humanos, (11), pág. 95–106.