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The Scope of the Second Paragraph of Article 61 of Peru’s Constitution in the Written Press


  • Bruno Adriano Delgado Taboada Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú


The concentration of media ownership is a phenomenon that has expanded all over the world, jeopardizing the rights of citizens to access information that is both diverse and pluralistic. This paper analyses the scope of the second paragraph of Article 61 of the Peruvian Constitution, as it pertains to the concentration of media ownership in general and, in particular, the consolidation of the written press. To this end, it is carried out a mixed analysis, including sources of national and international law and doctrine. Finally, it is discussed which is the better alternative in the face of media consolidation, regulation or prosecution.


Concentration of media, freedom of expression and of information, pluralism of information, written press

Author Biography

Bruno Adriano Delgado Taboada, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú

Bachiller por la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y candidato al Título de segunda especialidad en Derecho Público y Buen Gobierno por la misma casa de estudios.