Humanitarian Aid Kits: Design at the Service of Efficiency and Dignity in Emergency Contexts
María Pilar Molina de la Maza
Escuela de Diseño, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
Natural disasters uncover our vulnerability as human beings. In a few minutes, the fragility of our systems is exposed, people face scarcity and lack of services for survival. At this moment, humanitarian aid becomes a matter of life and death. The work that it takes is intricate and it can become a second disaster when the lack of an integrated system creates a gap between needs and donations, generating the phenomenon called material convergence. Humanitarian Aid Kits is a project that aims to solve this issue with the systematization of donations, materialized in kits and their respective information design and packaging, to help in the reduction of problems associated with the emergency. By making full use of the multifaceted nature of packaging as a communicative interface, we can transform a complex system into a solution that simplifies management, starting from logistics efficiency and aiming for a cultural change around donations, which allows us to contribute in a crisis in an inclusive, dignified and pertinent way.
Design, emergency, humanitarian aid, material convergence, packaging.
Molina de la Maza, M. P. (2020). Humanitarian Aid Kits: Design at the Service of Efficiency and Dignity in Emergency Contexts. RChD: Creación Y Pensamiento, 5(9), 1–17.