Design Literacy, or the Design of Postindustry Individuals
Rodrigo Vargas Callegari
Centro de Estudios Prospectivos, Escuela de Diseño, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
Juan Carlos Briede Westermeyer
Departamento de Ingeniería en Diseño, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile
Formal education as we know it may be experiencing its last period. The increase of the educated population and the growing process of social individuation are modifying the relationship between individuals and institutions. Changes in social structures are transforming the ways we work as never before and will have effects on the biographies of large portions of the population. Technological determinism and the growth model are overwhelmed, and therefore update will demand new forms of literacy for future worlds. This paper seeks to illustrate the relationship between literacy as an analytical method of Design education in tertiary education and literacy’s exploration as an instrument of critical individuation within postmodern societies. We propose that co-creation as an integrating tool can have a central place in Design processes, but will also be useful in strengthening personal learning to face social segregation and the exclusion of minorities in today's society.
Vargas Callegari, R., & Briede Westermeyer, J. C. (2020). Design Literacy, or the Design of Postindustry Individuals. RChD: Creación Y Pensamiento, 5(8), 63–76.