
Call to publish scientific articles that will be received between June 20 and November 20, 2019, referring to:

University Pedagogy: With topics such as public policies in higher education, legislative system and reforms, academic programs, comparative policies, massification processes, quality assurance, legal professions, and others in higher education as a general field, referring to the Chilean and international context .

Didactics of Law: With topics whose centrality is related to processes of innovation, learning, curriculum, innovations, teaching experiences, students and teachers characterization , among others in legal education in the Chilean and international context.

Ethical and citation standards (Chicago-deusto) must be taken care of, in addition to the originality of the research or innovation.

Ethical standards

About Authors

Author(s) is understood as the person or persons who contribute substantially to produce the original article. The journal directors attest to the authenticity and originality of the information provided by the authors, these being exclusively responsible for the statements they make. Whoever makes other contributions to the development of the article will be contributors, and should be mentioned in the acknowledgments section of the article.

Duties of the authors:

1. The article must be original, unpublished and must contain significant contributions in the area of research or innovation related to University Pedagogy and Didactics of Law.

2. The article cannot be sent simultaneously to another journal for evaluation.

3. Authors, by publishing in the journal, accept the editorial and intellectual property rules of the Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho.

4. Authors must make the corrections requested by the management and editorial team of the Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho.

5. The sources used in the article must be cited accurately and exhaustively, without incurring in any type of plagiarism.

6. Authors must clearly inform, in the text that they submit, the sources of financing of their work or the existence of conflicts of interest that could affect the impartiality of the research.

7. The author will communicate in all cases to the journal's e-mail rpedagogia@derecho.uchile.cl and through the platform.

About the editor

The editor is the natural person responsible for receiving the articles and publishing the Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho. To this end, each semester he/she manages, selects, corrects style, edits and adjusts the journal to editorial standards.

Editors' duties

1. Upon receipt of a manuscript in the mail rpedagogia@derecho.uchile.cl and/or in the journal's platform, the editor will select considering the academic and scientific merit, and respecting the rules for authors and the established deadlines.

2. Notify authors if their articles have been selected or rejected. In case of being selected, the author may be asked for its standardization according to the editorial and citation rules of the journal.

3. Reject any article in which conflict of interest or academic plagiarism is suspected. To determine academic plagiarism, the editorial team will use the Turnitin digital platform for plagiarism detection and prevention. In case of conflict, the procedures recommended by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) will be followed.

4. Send accepted articles to double-blind peer review, guaranteeing anonymity and confidentiality of both the author(s) and the reviewer(s).

5. Inform the authors if the article has been accepted, accepted with improvements or rejected, according to the deadline established by the Revista Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho.

6. Maintain constant communication with authors and blind peer reviewers, clarifying any doubts that may arise in the process of review, evaluation and publication of articles.

7. To make clarifications, rectifications, amendments or withdrawal of articles necessary to solve problems detected after the publication of an issue of the journal. These will be informed on the journal's web page.

8. Receive and answer queries from third parties outside the publication process.

About blind peer reviewers

Peer reviewers are those individuals who assess the articles selected for evaluation by the editorial team. The evaluation will be made according to the standards given by the journal, considering academic criteria of quality and originality.

Duties of peer reviewers

1. Blind peer reviewers must perform an objective analysis of the manuscripts submitted for review. Peer reviewers may only accept the review of those texts for which they have sufficient competence, experience, and knowledge to be able to perform their analysis.

2. Blind peer reviewers must inform the editor of potential conflicts of interest.

3. If they do not have the necessary competence, experience or knowledge to carry out the evaluation, or if there is a conflict of interest, they must refuse to evaluate the manuscript.

4. Blind peer reviewers will not know the authorship of the article they are reviewing.

5. Blind peer reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript during the review process. They may not disseminate the content of the manuscript in any way.

5. Peer reviewers must inform within the period of time assigned by the editorial team and the editorial team of their observations regarding the manuscript, which must be justified, as well as the recommendation for publication.

6. The recommendations must be presented in the evaluation format of the journal, which must accept, accept with improvements, or reject the scientific article submitted.