
Call to publish scientific articles that will be received between June 20 and November 20, 2019, referring to:

University Pedagogy: With topics such as public policies in higher education, legislative system and reforms, academic programs, comparative policies, massification processes, quality assurance, legal professions, and others in higher education as a general field, referring to the Chilean and international context .

Didactics of Law: With topics whose centrality is related to processes of innovation, learning, curriculum, innovations, teaching experiences, students and teachers characterization , among others in legal education in the Chilean and international context.

Ethical and citation standards (Chicago-deusto) must be taken care of, in addition to the originality of the research or innovation.

Cinema enters the law classrooms: the emancipation of “Tony Manero” (2008)



This work aims to base the didactics and aesthetics of the inclusion of film viewing in law classrooms. Through the analysis of the film Tony Manero (2008) by director Pablo Larraín, the characteristics of the transcendent master class as an open space for different participants, media and knowledge (in contrast to the master class merely expository) will be addressed, and then present Jacques Rancière’s theory of the aesthetic regime of art, which, in its application to cinema, is based on what he calls the «suspense tragedy». This interdisciplinary conjunction will give us the guideline to reunderstand phenomena belonging with Law (violence in this case) in its full complexity, thus allowing the intellectual emancipation of the student and the teaching-learning space.


Transcendent masterclass, cinema and law, aesthetic regime of art, violence, intellectual emancipation, emancipación intelectual

Author Biography

Camilo Andrés Arancibia Hurtado, Universidad de Valparaíso

Camilo Arancibia Hurtado es abogado, magíster en Derecho de la Universidad de Chile, máster en Literatura Comparada: Estudios Literarios y Culturales de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y estudiante de doctorado en Filosofía de la misma casa de estudios. Además, es profesor de Derecho y Literatura, y de Derecho Civil en la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Valparaíso.