
Call to publish scientific articles that will be received between June 20 and November 20, 2019, referring to:

University Pedagogy: With topics such as public policies in higher education, legislative system and reforms, academic programs, comparative policies, massification processes, quality assurance, legal professions, and others in higher education as a general field, referring to the Chilean and international context .

Didactics of Law: With topics whose centrality is related to processes of innovation, learning, curriculum, innovations, teaching experiences, students and teachers characterization , among others in legal education in the Chilean and international context.

Ethical and citation standards (Chicago-deusto) must be taken care of, in addition to the originality of the research or innovation.

Why are we lawyers the way we are? The social behavior of lawyers, an analysis from law, sociology and legal education



The traditional way of teaching in the disciplinary sciences, but especially in the legal sciences, has brought with it vices that go beyond the deficient acquisition
of professional skills, taking us also to the sociological level. The role that lawyers play in society is influenced by the forms of behavior learned in law schools or faculties:
power dynamics, stress and excessive pressure, social and intellectual status in front of the community and their peers, which become a hallmark in the way we, legal professionals, have been trained: to compete, to win. In this paper, we will see some crucial elements of the “educational” process of future lawyers, and how they converge in an authentic social subsystem of the profession itself that is simply the consequence of a high behaviorist training amid an extremely vertical power game that ends up having an impact on what will be their future behavior in society. In an argumentative, conceptual and interdisciplinary effort between elements of Law, Sociology and Education we can conclude that yes, we are the product of what we have been taught to be and many of us may only repeat the pattern.


Legal pedagogy, legal sociology, law, law and society, power structures in education, social sciences

Author Biography

Claudio Javier Moreno Rojas, Universidad Santo Tomás

He holds the chairs of Political Theory and Constitutional Law for the Law career at the Santo Tomás University, La Serena campus. He has a degree in Legal and Social Sciences from the Universidad Católica del Norte. He is a lawyer and has a master's degree in Applied Pedagogy in Higher Education from the Technological University of Chile; Master of Laws with mention in Public Law,
Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso; specialized in non-traditional teaching of Law and skills workshops based on public speaking, effective leadership and educational coaching. Currently, he is a student of the Doctorate in Law program at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. His email is claudiomorenoro@santotomas.cl. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0636-5604.